Leaders Gather for Women's Network Event

Published Tue 20 Dec 2022

More than 50 women and leaders in sport came together for a first-of-its-kind women’s networking event last month. 

The initiative is the first step in building interest, connections and pathways for women to become active on state sporting organisation boards through the support of some of the country's most experienced mentors in sport and business. 

Brookfields, Sydney hosted the event that was powered by Sport NSW, Minerva Network and Chief Executive Women Australia who have joined forces to fast-track gender equity on boards across the NSW sporting landscape. 

Christine McLoughlin Co-founder and Chair of Minerva Network addressed the partnership based on a callout from sporting organisations and how they would work together to fast-track gender equity. 

“Many sports don’t have adequate representation of senior, experienced women,” she said. 

“Messages from the Chairpeople of those sporting boards is that they’re having trouble finding great women, and we know where the women are! 

“So in this partnership we’re providing the conduit, the source of information, women who are passionate about sport and are very capable in business and governance and we can get there faster if we work together. Support women as they take the roles on.”

The foundations of the Sport NSW Gender Inclusive Boards Initiative are networking, mentoring and support and last months event started conversations and inspired action throughout the room. 

Prominent sports journalist Sam Lane moderated an expert panel discussion that included Dr Phil Hamdorf, Belinda Rowe, Amy Ridley and Sally Loane. 

The panel discussed their history and experience with board positions, understanding your individual role and role as a board as well as inspiring the room with personal stories of success and empowerment. 

Sam Lane spoke of the power of sport in helping women take on leadership roles and the importance of mentors.  

“I’m so lucky to have been the MC here tonight amongst this room of incredible people,” said Lane. 

“Sport enables conversations that may be easier to have through the prism of sport, but can change really big things. If you see anything that interests you, just go for it. It might be a no this time and a yes the following time, what have you got to lose. If it interests you and sparks your curiosity just go for it,” she said. 

Sam Mostyn AO, Minerva Network Director, Co-founder and President of Chief Executive Women Australia, is a passionate leader and advocate for women in business. She spoke to the room about the importance of the Minerva Network program and its goals for women in sport. 

Olympic Kayaker Jo Brigden-Jones attended as a participant and Minerva athlete. She said it was great to see how much momentum was building to support women in leadership. 

“Sport gave me the potential to be the person I could be and taught me to push myself and achieve goals I never thought possible now Minerva Network is helping me use that skill and passion to give back,” she said. 

“They’ve given some really great tips tonight, like doing due diligence, learning about organisations and members of boards, establishing great networks and working towards what you want to achieve,” she said. 

Click here to watch highlights from the event.

To get involved in the initiative please reach out to Strategic Projects Manager Libby Sadler - libby.sadler@sportnsw.com.au
